Modotti Press, Connor Court's newest imprint - dedicated to religion, introduces a new series of books dedicated to moral and ethical issues. The series entitled Living Ethics Series will explore various important issues beginning with the 2008 instruction by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Dignitas Personae. In the book Dignitas Personae explained, Dr John Fleming provides both an account of Church teaching and why the Church teaches what she does in a way that is accessible to the interested layperson.
Modotti Press is hoping to publish another 6 titles in 2010/2011 on the Living Ethics Series, make this series a must have for anyone interested in moral and ethical issues. According to Dr Anthony Cappello of Connor Court Publishing: "with euthanasia becoming an issue in 2011, the Living Ethics Series will help to educate people on what are the implications on allowing euthanasia. Beginning with Dr Fleming's book on the Dignity of the human person, people can appreciate such important teachings and learn how to engage in debates on crucial life and death issues."
- Maria Giordano