Connor Court Publishing is please to announce the forthcoming title: Hot Tips for Cool Parents. According to Connor Court publisher Anthony Cappello, "this title goes to the heart of what we like about our philosophy on publishing. Its grass-roots, rural Victoria and based on life experience". while Ann Sexton, past Victorian State President and National Board Member of the Australian Breastfeeding Association praises Hot Tip for Cool Parents as follows: "Cath’s book provides a light hearted, easy to read and very practical approach to the life altering role of parenting. The strong focus of Hot Tips for Cool Parents on the importance of positive role modelling for young people sits well with the current research trends and fully supports those of us who work closely with young people and their parents."
Launches are being planned in Benalla, Wangaratta and at the Readings Bookstore in Carlton with Kerry Cue, established and well respected writer.
- Maria Giordano